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By Smith Sharlin

Jun 22,2007

What Are Precision Machining Parts?

What Are Precision Machining Parts?

Precision machined parts often require intricate features and require precise specifications. These parts may include threads, holes, grooves, or tapers that must provide an exact fit with other components.

Precision machining is typically used to produce metal parts that require precision for the product to function properly. For example, the components that make up an automobile engine require precise specifications for optimal performance.

There is less room for error, requiring machinists to use specialized equipment for a closer tolerance. By using computer numerically controlled machines (CNC machines), lathes, and presses, our team manufactures a wide range of intricate metal parts that require keen attention to detail.


The Precision Machining Process Capacities:

Our precision machining processes capacities includes:

1, CNC milling

2, CNC turning

3, CNC machining center

4, Drilling

5, Tapping

6, Broaching

7, Shaping

8, Grinding

9, Polishing

10, Surface treatment

11, Assembly.


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